It went really well and we got lots done.
At the front the two gunnels are half-lapped together and then we used plenty of glue and then dowelled through. This is done by drilling holes and then using dowels with lots of glue on them pushed through. We used chopsticks that were left over from excursions down to Sushi Bay! As you can see we screws blocks to the deck to stop them separating but it still didn't work quite as well as we would have liked and there was a little separation in the joint at the top. A bit more preparation in fixing our blocks to the deck would have probably solved that.
One of the most important things when building any boat is to have a centreline. On the currach we are using the lines of the decking and working off them. This works out pretty well .. if I wasn't using them I would build some kind of base so that I could mark a centreline on it and work off that.
Once the front it together it's pretty much time for the seats. We're using ash for the seats but you use anything you like really, if you have extra fir left over then just make it out of that, consistent thickness would be useful though.
Each seat hold the shape of the boat while the next part is bent in.The back piece took a nice bit of persuasion to get it in to where it was meant to be. This is one of the main differences between a Dingle Currach and ones from Clare or Donegal. That sweep at the back into quite a narrow arse on the boat is not half as pronounced in other currachs. The achill one comes close but this shape is what makes the Naomhóg so recognisable. The width at the back is 22 inches but can be narrower for racing currachs, for people such as ourselves who are not experienced currach rowers then we felt it was better to have the extra couple of inches.
We have the gunnels running a little over at the moment to allow us to fasten them. If we had extra length to play with we would have done the same thing at the front.
All in all this was a pretty straightforward process, it was deadly to see the boat really take shape. We still have a seat to put in at the back and the front but it's pretty straighforward and the wood is there so should get it done this weekend.
After that we're on to preparing the lower gunnel to receive the upper gunnel....
hi ,thanks for posting this , wondering if you finished it as planned and where it can be seen.I just finished my new naibhog last week.I used most dimensions from the book "British coracles and Irish curraghs " by James Hornell. you can see the whole book in PDF on " "she's 25 ft X 54 inches at the widest point.if you're interested I have a cd with lots of pics in chronological order and text explaining how I did's available at € 12.00 plus postage and it would be sufficient to build this boat .I did the complete built by myself over a few months in my spare time .I have all the tools as I work at home making musical instruments which is of course an advantage.I'm on facebook "jan muyllaert" and there are pics of the launch last week.hope to hear from you and happy rowing! Jan at